>C:\Buonomo Pasquale

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Eager learner looking for a stimulating environment. My main goal is to broaden my knowledge and skills set in a way that could benefit the company or the project I am involved with.


Independent Work, Malta | 2020 - Present
Data Entry, Collection, Analysis, and Visualization, Full-Stack Development, Database Management, API Development, Version Control, UI/UX Design, Documentation Writing.
Quality Assurance & Biosafety Officer, Software Developer
The BioArte Ltd., San Gwann, Malta | 2022 - Present
Curation of QMS (SOPs, IFUs, CAPAs, etc.), Integration of relevant standards and laws (ISO, GxP, FCPA, etc.), Data Entry, Collection, Analysis, and Visualization, Full-Stack Development, Database Management, API Development, Version Control, UI/UX Design, Documentation Writing, Procurement, Maintenance, and Calibration of Instruments, Warehouse Management, Personnel Training, Auditing.
Regulatory Affairs & Quality Assurance Assistant
Drugsales Ltd., Lija, Malta | 2021
Curation of QMS (SOPs, IFUs, CAPAs, etc.), Integration of relevant standards and laws (ISO, GxP, FCPA, etc.), Registration and post-marketing surveillance of medicinal products, Pharmacovigilance, Scripting, Personnel Training, Auditing, Recalls.
Quality Assurance Officer
B&B Euroimpianti s.r.l.s., Crispano, Italy | 2019 - 2020
Curation of QMS (SOPs, IFUs, CAPAs, etc.), Personnel Training, Internal Auditing.
Naturalistic Tourism Operator
Atlantide Soc. Coop. Sociale p.a., Ravenna, Italy | 2018 - 2019
Front Office, Back Office, Customer Care, Environmental Guidance, Workshops, Warehouse Management.
Secretary Assistant
Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Ravenna, Italy | 2018 - 2019
Front Office, Back Office, Customer Care, Warehouse Management.


fishRman (R package)
Author & Maintainer | 2020 - Present
Bundle of analytics tools for fisheries scientists, published on CRAN (2023). A Shiny R Dashboard, published on the Journal of Open-Source Software (2021), is included for a 'no-code' solution, https://github.com/Shyentist/fish-r-man.
Author & Maintainer | 2023 - Present
Telegram Bot Role-Playing Game, https://github.com/Shyentist/SpellPunk.
Microbiota Test Report Automator, MiTRA
Author & Maintainer | 2022 - Present
Web application for compiling microbiota test reports for The BioArte.
Introduction to Modern Statistics
Contributor | 2022 - Present
A college-level Open-Source textbook with a modern approach highlighting multivariable relationships and simulation-based inference, https://github.com/OpenIntroStat/ims.
Dire DB
Author & Maintainer | 2023 - Present
A simple file-based, NoSQL database for Node.js that stores collections of data in JSON files. Published on npm (2023), https://github.com/Shyentist/diredb.


Master's Degree in Marine Biology
Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna | 2017 - 2020
Thesis (included in FAO AdriaMed Working Group 2020): Analysis of fishing effort in the Northern Adriatic Sea through AIS data in order to define spatial limits for the proposed 'Sole Sanctuary'.
Bachelor Degree in Biological Sciences
Federico II - University of Naples | 2011 - 2016
Thesis: Open data and scientific research: a case study.


Full Stack Development Bootcamp
Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) | 2023
This course, delivered in a very practical approach, teaches how to build full-stack web applications using MEAN (MongoDB, Express, Angular and Node).
ISO 9001:2015 Internal Auditor
Tuning Fork Limited | 2022
IRCA-approved course educating delegates on the key characteristics of a modern and effective quality management system, as well as the role of the auditor in its development and continuous improvement..
MySeqDx Training
Illumina, Inc. | 2022
Training on how to correctly operate and maintain the MiSeqDx instrument (NGS)..
Data Science, Full Course
365 Data Science | 2020
Comprehensive training in the field of data science, covering topics such as Excel, Python, R, Statistics, and Machine Learning.
Tools for Data Analysis and Visualization
Il Sestante Romagna | 2020
The course trains professionals in the analysis, visualization, and interpretation of data.


Node, Deno, Express, Oak, Mongoose, Angular, React, Svelte, jQuery, Grammy, LokiJS
Rstudio, shiny, golem, tidyverse, sf, testthat, roxygen2, plumber, rmarkdown, htmltools, jsonlite, readxl
MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB
Version Control
Git, GitHub
Spoken Languages
Italian, English, Esperanto, Spanish
Office Suite (Microsoft/Libre), VS Code, Postman, GIMP, QGIS, Zotero/Mendeley